There is a tipping point – maybe more than one – in the life cycle of every successful construction firm where the company is “too big to be small and too small to be big” in the words of Doug Tatum. What are the signs you’re approaching one of those inflection points, and what do you do when you hit that wall?

Please tune in this week as Wayne explores making the crucial transition from an entrepreneurial to professional management style, offers four tips on how to get there, and shares a planning tool he and Dennis have used with dozens of contractors over the years. What have been the signs that you were approaching one of these tipping points, and what did you do about it? Please share with us in the comments.

Click here to download the planning tool.

The last Contractor Business Boot Camp class of 2023 starts on Nov 9 in Raleigh. We are already more than half full. So, if you haven’t yet enrolled your rising NextGen leaders to this career development program, do it NOW! Please contact Charlotte at for more information.

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