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Overcoming Setbacks

There may have been “the perfect construction job” somewhere at some point in time, but many – shall we say most? – construction projects provide a surprise or two along the way. Setbacks are a fact of life in the industry. That being the case, what do you do when...

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The Leadership Initiative that MATTERS MOST

One thing is for certain in the post-Covid world: workplaces look very different today than they did in 2019! Where have great leaders focused their attention and energies since 2020? What initiative do the top leaders of today emphasize for impact? Please tune in...

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Who Are Your Heroes?

Americans, especially today, seem to be obsessed with “influencers” and celebrity. But when you think deeper, who do you actually look up to as having been a true HERO for you as you have grown and developed? What characteristics cause you to elevate them to the...

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