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Winning the “When”

Efficient time management is a fundamental ingredient for success in any industry – especially construction. It's a rare construction company indeed that doesn't wish there were more hours in the day. How do great contractors seem to get more out of the 24-hour day...

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2iC: What Do You Need From Your COO?

Call it whatever you like: 2iC, GM, Sr. VP, or any other appellation. The fact is effective COOs (just like effective CFOs, etc.) allow CEOs to be better at their jobs. But there is scant literature out there about appropriate roles and duties of COOs. Tune in this...

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Efficient Decision Making

Making better decisions than the competition is a major differentiator separating great contractors from merely good ones, yet, most contractors don't devote effort and practice to improving their decision-making. Please watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis shares...

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