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Atomic Habits II

The 1985-86 "Showtime Lakers" were considered to be the greatest assemblage of basketball talent in history. They had three hall of famers – Kareem, Magic, and Worthy - plus a talented cast of role players like Byron Scott and Michael Cooper and a hall of fame coach....

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Five Elements of Success

Success doesn't happen overnight. People become successful incrementally by getting a little better each day. Watch this week's Digging Deeper where Dennis discusses a column by Guthrie Chamberlain and details the five crucial elements of success. We'd love to hear...

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Atomic Habits

What in the world are "Atomic Habits?" How did the UK cycling team go in five short years from a hundred year history of failure – they were so bad some equipment manufacturers wouldn't even sell to them so as not to be associated with losers! – to completely and...

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