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It’s a Wonderful Life

"It's a Wonderful Life" If you haven't seen the classic Jimmy Stewart movie, please do! SPOILER ALERT: we give away the ending in this blog! What REALLY makes for a successful life? How do we get what George Bailey had in the movie; how do we achieve a wonderful life?...

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It’s All About Experience

In today's cutthroat competitive environment, how your customer experiences the services you deliver is the ultimate differentiator. Leaders who can think creatively about delivering new, high-touch customer service systems and experiences will carve a new pathway in...

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Be Mindful of Your Words

A member in Texas didn't quite understand from where the confusion was coming. He had turned over management to his son and very capable management team, but his casual, even offhand comments created quite a stir. People jumped to take action on the founder's comments...

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