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An Unwelcome Surprise and Six Things You Need

Life has a way of throwing a few unwelcome surprises our way, doesn't it? You're tooling along, enjoying success, set in your productive routines, and then ZAP! – the world lets you know you're not in charge and things will be different for a while"¦ Tune in this week...

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Attitude and Gratitude

Given a choice, would you want to work around people with great attitudes who also express gratitude, or would you rather work in a company where"¦ well, not so much. The answer is obvious, isn't it? This week watch Digging Deeper as Dennis talks about the importance...

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Four Habits to Maximize the Effects of Recognition

Many of your employees, as much as we all wish this weren't the case, take compensation and benefits for granted. After all, they can get competitive pay at any construction company, right? How then do you set yourself apart as a contractor that genuinely values...

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