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Performance Construction Advisors
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Historically, family business owners have relied on their own entrepreneurial skills and prowess for success. In instances where they have need for specific expertise, they have sought out traditional advisors (e.g. CPAs, attorneys, bankers, and/or financial planners). Due to their relatively narrow focus, such specialists alone are insufficient for many family businesses because they fail to recognize and deliver solutions that address issues beyond financial or technical components.

Your long term success requires a well-balanced look at not only the typical financial structures of the family business, but also the structures which deal with operations and management of the family owned business and how well or poorly people in the system function together. Our experienced consultants take a unique, collaborative approach that focuses on balancing interpersonal, operational, and financial issues to help family and closely held businesses achieve breakthrough success.

Recent Posts

Atomic Habits II

The 1985-86 "Showtime Lakers" were considered to be the greatest assemblage of basketball talent in history. They had three hall of famers – Kareem, Magic, and Worthy - plus a talented cast of role players like Byron Scott and Michael Cooper and a hall of fame coach....

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Five Elements of Success

Success doesn't happen overnight. People become successful incrementally by getting a little better each day. Watch this week's Digging Deeper where Dennis discusses a column by Guthrie Chamberlain and details the five crucial elements of success. We'd love to hear...

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Atomic Habits

What in the world are "Atomic Habits?" How did the UK cycling team go in five short years from a hundred year history of failure – they were so bad some equipment manufacturers wouldn't even sell to them so as not to be associated with losers! – to completely and...

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