Keeping Your Brand Promise

"Research it first. Define it second. Strategize it third. Implement it fourth. Live it always!” – Anonymous. Strong construction companies don't just make powerful promises to customers, they KEEP THEM! Today's competition is fierce, and it has become more...

How Do You Keep Your Team Motivated?

Your people are your biggest asset, and, at the same time, they present you with your biggest challenges. How do you keep your team motivated – maybe it would be better said as INSPIRED – to keep shooting for excellence every day? Watch Digging Deeper this week...

Get Everyone on the Same Page

Teams of motivated followers multiply any leader's effectiveness. When everyone on the team is on the same sheet of music, morale is high, resource utilization is efficient, and work flows smoothly. Making sure that everyone is aligned isn't just a formality or a...

Attitude is Everything

While it might appear to be a hackneyed cliché, attitude IS contagious, and your attitude affects others as you come in contact with them. It's not what happens to you that matters. It's how you choose to respond that makes a difference, and that's all about your...

Today’s Estimate

The construction industry is facing a bit of a slowdown. Now that competition is tougher and there are fewer projects available, how do you play to win? For many contractors, the first tendency is to shave estimates unrealistically to win more work. But is this a...