Don’t Settle for the Ordinary

It's sometimes easy to settle for ordinary; it allows you to avoid conflict, keep jobs on pace, and be a "good guy" on your jobsites. Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis talks about the importance of having high standards and requiring extraordinary performance...

Never Take Employees for Granted

Leaders assume that all their employees know what they're doing all the time. Sometimes they don't (new job, new equipment, unfamiliar conditions, poorly developed plans, etc.). Instead of simply assuming, make sure you provide the proper training and support so your...

Measurement as Support

You can’t quantify improvement if you don’t use measurement as a tool. You also can't improve performance if you set the wrong metrics to start with. How you measure is as important as what you measure. Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis talks about...


Win-win approaches work because both sides "profit" from a relationship, transaction, or decision. When one side loses, experience shows that, even if you happen to be on the winning side initially, at some point the tides will reverse. Even apparent lose-lose...

Selling Value vs. Fee

Successful contractors sell value to their customers. Invest the time to dive deep and ascertain how your business is different and what you do better than your competitors (you can also learn where you come up short, but that's a topic for another day). Once you know...