Find Three Advantages

In an industry as brutally competitive as construction, preparing bid proposals can be daunting task, but it doesn't have to be so hard! All it takes it to find out what sets your bid apart. Watch our blog this week as Dennis digs deeper into the secret of winning...

Bid Success Analysis

To bid or not to bid? That is the question! Bidding jobs is an intense and complex process. The purpose of bidding is to meet owner budgets while still making reasonable profits on the work – a very fine line to tread. Watch our blog this week as Dennis digs...

Estimating Scope Gaps

One of the most critical precon activities is defining scope. Scope gaps can not only increase your project costs but also cause unwanted schedule delays. Are these scope gaps inevitable? Watch our blog this week as Dennis digs deeper into why scope gaps occur and...

Tracking Days Gained And Lost

Keeping your projects on schedule and meeting deadlines is the key to success in construction. Adverse weather, unrealistic schedules, constrained resources, and costly rework are just a few things that could throw your timeline off course. Watch our blog this week as...