Why EVERY CEO Needs a Peer Group

Stanford Business School says that two-thirds of CEOs get ZERO outside leadership advice! Can you believe that? Those who do seek assistance usually hire consultants, read books, or attend industry gatherings. But there are at least 10 ways that peers can deliver...

The Secret to Being a Great CEO

The old saying is "it's lonely at the top." Construction leaders often experience isolation and even anxiety from the burden weighing heavily on their shoulders. "Am I doing the right things?" "Is this the correct decision?" "What happens to my people and family if...

If You Rest, You Rust

Many people dream of retirement after decades of toil. But what is retirement? Is it a good thing? What actually happens to people when they retire? And how do you protect yourself from some of the negatives associated with retirement? Please tune in this week as...

It’s What You STAND FOR!

Roy Spence wrote It's Not What You Sell, It's What you Stand For, and it's a great book (thanks, John Woodcock)! It sounds like a book about selling, doesn't it? It isn't, and I think Spence got his title wrong. He should have gone with the subtitle Why Every...

Where’s the Trust?

My favorite daily newsletter Chief Executive had an incredible article in January: 60% of companies (I think the writer means very large public companies) are using monitoring software to check on their workers! And an additional 17% are considering doing the same! I...