The Leadership Initiative that MATTERS MOST

One thing is for certain in the post-Covid world: workplaces look very different today than they did in 2019! Where have great leaders focused their attention and energies since 2020? What initiative do the top leaders of today emphasize for impact? Please tune in...

Six Things Great Bosses Don’t Do

We’d venture to say that very few people got into the construction business because they expressly wanted to manage people. However, the fact is that as you elevate your career and get nearer the top of your company’s org chart, you will be more and more managing...

Six Ways to Improve Employee Wellbeing

The fact that we’re even posting on the subject of employee wellbeing shows how far the construction industry has come in the last few years! It’s an astounding fact that, according to Forbes magazine, for 70% of employees, a manager has about the same psychological...