How Big Things Get Done

Did you know that megaprojects, those valued at over $1 bil, tend to flop at a fantastic rate? Projects like California's high speed rail fiasco or failed movies like Heaven's Gate are, sadly, the norm, not the exception. What makes big projects go so wrong so...

Thoughts on the Subject of TIME

Medium writer Moreno Zugaro wrote a very frank and open lament about how he utilized – or failed to utilize – his time as a younger person. As a result of intense personal reflection, he wrote five unbelievable insights on the subject of how people view and experience...

CULTURE: What the Heck IS IT?

Not that long ago, one very rarely heard contractors talk about culture. Today, it's top of mind for those contractors looking to get ahead, create sustainable companies, and attract top talent. But what exactly is culture, what things make it genuine, and what things...