Quit Competing For Work!

Competition is a fact of life in construction. Wouldn't it be great, however, to move beyond competition and appearing as a commodity in your markets? What steps do great contractors take to become the go-to providers? In Digging Deeper this week, Dennis shares four...

The Art of Giving Good Feedback

Giving good, constructive feedback is tricky. But if you're going to coach or guide others towards better performance, it's quite necessary. What's the secret to delivering effective feedback? Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis shares a solid two-step approach...

It’s All About “˜Mindset’

Organizations worldwide spend enormous amounts of time and money to develop leaders, yet their programs don't produce the desired results. What are they missing? Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis talks about mindset being the foundation for how leaders think,...

The Power of Vision

You have heard Dennis and Wayne talk about leadership in their blogs many times. After over 20 years of working with construction executives and developing strategic plans, what kind of leadership observation would knock Dennis for a loop? Watch Digging Deeper this...

Learning from Failure

Every contractor fails sometimes. Maybe it's failing to hit a goal, a project doesn't meet your customer's standards, or a trade partner relationship becomes rocky. No matter how great the company and its leaders, every contractor experiences failure at some level....