Today’s Estimate

The construction industry is facing a bit of a slowdown. Now that competition is tougher and there are fewer projects available, how do you play to win? For many contractors, the first tendency is to shave estimates unrealistically to win more work. But is this a...

Are Your Meetings INTENTIONAL?

What goes into an intentional meeting? How do you avoid the common complaint that "most meetings are wasted time?" How do you get the most out of the meetings you inevitably must have? Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis shares the importance of being...

The Experience Economy

Our economy has changed in a fundamental way. We have moved from an economy largely based on producing commodity goods and services to one where you have opportunities to stage experiences! Even more than the finished project you turn over, the customer experience is...

Turning Information To Knowledge

We often use the terms "information" and "knowledge" interchangeably, but they aren't really the same. Today, we suffer from too much – rather than too little – information, and too much data can actually inhibit good decision making. Watch Digging...

Standing Out to Customers

The key to business development and successful awards is standing out and differentiating yourself and your company. How do you differentiate in a commodity-mindset world? Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis talks about differentiating your company and...