Culture of Urgency and Accountability

Contractors understand the importance of senses of urgency and accountability, yet they too often fail to incorporate them into the cultures of their organizations. While building a culture of urgency and accountability isn't easy, it is a must for the long term...

The Top Three Reasons Contractors Fail

You've heard us talk about the top ten reasons for contractor success, but what's on the other side of that coin? Given that we might be headed for a bit of a construction slowdown, about what issues and challenges should you be wary? Watch Digging Deeper this week as...

What Gets Measured Gets DONE

Creating organizational accountability begins at the TOP. Expecting accountability without putting processes in place to develop competencies, define expectations, measure results, provide feedback, and motivate performance is fundamentally flawed. How do you make...

The Anchor in the Storm

Organizations of all sizes have been forced into uncertain operating environments, and people naturally look to their leaders to provide senses of security and stability. Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis presents a few self-diagnostic questions to help you...