Breaking Down the Conflict

Conflict is a business fact. Although most of us don't like it and instinctively seek to avoid conflict, it's normal and should be accepted as such. But what happens when conflict is the rule rather than the exception? What happens when it threatens your team harmony...

Building a House of Trust

On analysis, almost every employee problem springs from the same root cause: too little trust in the environment. Organizations run better when people trust one another, and it is a vital component for a healthy organization. So, how do you build and sustain trust in...

Five Temptations of a CEO

Leading a construction company is certainly a challenge, but sometimes leaders overcomplicate things and lose sight of some basics they need to be effective. What things are likely to get leaders off track? Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis summarizes a great...

Adding Value to Those You Serve

To be a successful leader, you must intentionally add value to others. But when you cannot be physically with your team, how do you maximize your impact? Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis presents you with innovative ways to develop your people and add value....