Succession – How to Back Away

Succession planning is hard work for both the senior leaders who must give up things they've naturally done for years and successors who must learn many challenging new things and make mistakes along the way. But succession is the most important project any contractor...

Progress Principle

What really sets the best managers above the rest? It's the power of leveraging small, meaningful progress to boost team members. Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis talks about the power of small wins in improving employees' inner work lives and thus your...

Untapped Human Potential

The need to make better use of the human capital in organizations has never been more evident. To have successful relationships, you have to relate to people at their levels – and you have to be a great listener. Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis shares key...

Value Added Leadership

The opportunity you have as a leader to add value and encouragement has never been greater. But how do you get the most out of your teams? Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis talks about different ways leaders can add value and bring out the best in people. We...

Go – No Go Decisions

Making the go-no go decision is a crucial success component in any construction business. Why do so many contractors, then, fail to have a crystal clear set of guidelines for the types of work they'll pursue? Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis talks about the...