Contractors’ Lifeblood – CASH

Is it possible for a construction company close its doors when it is PROFITABLE? It's counterintuitive, but it happens. How can this be? Paper profits are one thing; collecting cash in hand – the lifeblood of any successful business – is way more important. Please...

Work Isn’t Life!

Contractors work unbelievably hard for unbelievably long hours. That's ingrained in every construction employee – you're expected to work HARD! That mindset may have been ok in previous generations, but today's workers are looking for better work-life balance. And...

Great People Lead to Greater Success

Every successful construction firm is populated by a plurality of high performers. But high performing teams don't materialize out of thin air. Building a great team starts with attracting and hiring the right people and getting them into the right seats on your bus....

Honor the Field

Caring for your field workers is a surprising differentiator between great and poor contractors. All contractors talk about their people, safety, and other field-related issues, but many just pay lip service. The deceptively simple act of showing appreciation goes a...