Atomic Habits

What in the world are "Atomic Habits?" How did the UK cycling team go in five short years from a hundred year history of failure – they were so bad some equipment manufacturers wouldn't even sell to them so as not to be associated with losers! – to completely and...

How to Plan More Effectively

Did you know that 50% of the human brain cortex is devoted to the sense of sight? What does this fun fact have to do with planning, and how does it translate to building better contractors? Please watch this week as Wayne outlines the planning breakthrough professors...

Turning February Warmer

Depending on where you live, February can be the cruelest winter month. But there is a proven way to make it feel warmer while simultaneously contributing to the type of culture you want to build in your company. Please tune in this week as Wayne advocates a type of...

Do You Consistently Walk the Walk?

In 1980, Apple did something that was quite revolutionary at the time. Remember, this was in an era long before the iPod, iPhone, or the MacBook. What did Apple do, and how does their bold move translate into the construction business? Please tune in this week as...

How To Create More Time

The universal complaint among leaders in the construction industry is that there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done! Construction can be a relentless, demanding industry; in fact, a contractor once told Wayne "It's like being a baseball umpire....