What is a Business Plan NOT?

You better believe that we at FBI have seen hundreds of contractor "business plans" over the years. A few (a pitiful few) have been well done, but most have been real stinkers! Some contractors even paid over six figures for plans that were pretty much useless for...

Six Tips for Kicking Off the New Year Right

The flipping of a calendar page can either be just another day at the office OR it can be something big, impactful, and meaningful! What are contractor best practices for getting the new year started off right? What actions should you take to assure yourself that...

Happy New Year!

Your friends at The Family Business Institute wish you all a very happy New Year. We hope that 2023 will be prosperous, happy, safe, and successful for...

It’s a Wonderful Life

“It’s a Wonderful Life” If you haven't seen the classic Jimmy Stewart movie, please do! SPOILER ALERT: we give away the ending in this blog! What REALLY makes for a successful life? How do we get what George Bailey had in the movie; how do we achieve...

Be Mindful of Your Words

A member in Texas didn't quite understand from where the confusion was coming. He had turned over management to his son and very capable management team, but his casual, even offhand comments created quite a stir. People jumped to take action on the founder's comments...