
When is the best time to exercise? What's the best age at which to get married? What's the optimal way to start off your morning? When should you avoid medical procedures? The answers to these questions may seem quite individual, but in his book When: The Scientific...

How Leaders Can Escape Their Echo Chambers

According to a recent Harvard Business Review article, "The higher leaders go, the more likely they are to find themselves in an echo chamber surrounded by people who think like them and agree with them." That rings pretty true with us. But every org chart...

An Unwelcome Surprise and Six Things You Need

Life has a way of throwing a few unwelcome surprises our way, doesn't it? You're tooling along, enjoying success, set in your productive routines, and then ZAP! – the world lets you know you're not in charge and things will be different for a while"¦ Tune in this week...

The Seductiveness of “NO”

A distressed contractor called us with a sticky situation: he and his business partner were deadlocked over an issue, and every time he went to him with a pathway beyond deadlock, the partner replied, "NO!" Why are there so many people in organizations who...