Happy New Year!

Your friends at The Family Business Institute wish you all a very happy New Year. We hope that 2022 will be prosperous, happy, safe, and successful for...

It’s a Wonderful Life

“It’s a Wonderful Life” If you haven't seen the classic Jimmy Stewart movie, please do! SPOILER ALERT: we give away the ending in this blog! What REALLY makes for a successful life? How do we get what George Bailey had in the movie; how do we achieve...

Trust: Your Most Valuable Asset

Did you know that 58% of employees say they would trust a complete stranger more than their own managers? Why is trust in the media, government, schools, sports, and other institutions so appallingly low? And what can you do about it in the context of your...

Three Disconnects That May Be Holding You Back

What happens when company owners are not in harmonious alignment? What about when owners and their senior leaders are disconnected? Please tune in this week as Wayne explores three common disconnects in construction companies and what you can do about them. Please...

All Leaders Have Flaws

There is no such thing as a perfect construction company, and while we know many great leaders, we have yet to discover the perfect one. What are three common leadership types in construction, and how do these types cast their long shadows over their companies? Please...

Happy Thanksgiving

Be Thankful! Be Grateful! Enjoy your time with family and loved ones, and make new memories to cherish forever. May this Thanksgiving bring you the gifts of prosperity, joy, happiness and good health. We wish you a very happy, safe and a wonderful Thanksgiving...