Seven Tips for Asking Great Questions

One of the commonalities among exceptional leaders is they ask terrific questions. Part of the reason is that they are unrelentingly curious, but another part is that they have armed themselves with a few unique probes that they can utilize to dig deeper and elicit...

The Power of Mission Statements

Good mission statements – of which there are far too few! – are effective ways of saying a lot with just a few words. They can provide a glimpse into your organizational values to both your employees and the general public. Watch our blog this week as John Woodcock...

13 Steps to a Powerful Executive Succession

If it is worth saying once, it is worth saying a thousand times: PEOPLE DECISIONS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISIONS YOU MAKE! Most contractors view executive leadership succession as an informal process that will organically resolve itself over a period of time. Why...

Four Steps to Better Business Decisions

A decision is the act of choosing between one or more things – unless you decide not to decide which is almost always a poor choice. If it's true that your success in business and life are nothing more than the sum total of the decisions you make over time, it's...