Is Being CEO Hazardous To Your Health?

The life of a construction leader – CEO, President, Sr. V.P., any leadership role – is a tough and demanding one. We accept that as the norm. As Bundy says, "Construction is a tough business for tough people who make tough decisions." But can being the CEO of a...

Life is Too Short

In over three decades of working for and with others, what lesson does Wayne rate #1? Life is too short and precious to waste on toxic people! This week, Wayne will give you a simple three-part test for determining if you are working around rotten people, asks you to...

Deciding How to Decide – The Eisenhower Matrix

Contractors have long to do lists every day and week when they go to work. Then the emails and phone calls come in, and carefully conceived plans get tossed out the window. How do busy executives manage their priorities? It would be really cool if there was a system,...