Is The Customer Always Right?

Wayne put himself through college working in retail (if you can imagine that!) where the mantra was "the customer is always right." Is that concept true anymore? Was it ever? There are circumstances when a good contractor really should terminate a customer...

Are You a Firefighter or a Strategic Leader?

The Contractor Business Boot Camp culmination is a deep dive into the power of Strategic Planning and a very interactive half day long tutorial into how to generate a real, live, working plan for your company. The attendees were fired up! Instructor John Stump had...

Boom Times and Contractor Business Succession

While crazy materials prices and the specter of inflation may give us pause, it looks like pretty rosy times for the construction industry for the next couple of years. That's a good thing, right? Well, yes and no. We're all grateful that last year's steep, sudden...

12 Rules for Life – An Antidote to Chaos

Is life really "suffering?" That's a recurring theme in this international best selling book by Jordan Peterson. If we stipulate that life is, at the very least, challenging, what does Peterson suggest as his "antidote to chaos?" What does he prescribe to make life...

The One Essential For CEOs Facing The Worst

"It's lonely at the top" is a refrain we often hear as it relates to business leaders. That's not always true: when times are good, it's not lonely at all! There is plenty of credit, appreciation, and acclaim to be shared across the entire organization. But when...

What’s the True Family Business Survival Rate?

Everyone in a family or closely held business has heard the terrifying 30/13/3 statistic. "Only 30% of family businesses make it to the second generation," and so on"¦The press on many occasions even attributes it to us here at FBI (it's not ours!). From where did...