NOT Time Management: PROTECT Your Time

William Penn said, "Time is what we want most – but what we use worst." After 30+ years of observing contractors, he may be right! There are hundreds of books and other resources dedicated to the subject of time management. Our only conclusion, based on what we see...

Making Strategy Real and Actionable

We know. We know. Our blogs focus relentlessly on Strategic Planning and all its many benefits. But how many contractors have told us in frustration, "We tried that, spent a ton of money, and it just did not move the needle for us at all!" Where is the disconnect?...

The Paradox of Change

Most of us really, really dislike change! Whether it's at home, work, church, school, etc., we are uncomfortable with and reflexively resist change. But Jack Welch admonishes us about making sure that internal changes at least match the pace of external ones. If you...

Why Are Soft Skills the Hardest?

FBI Senior Consultant Mike Flentje made a profound statement in a recent Contractor Business Boot Camp: "The soft stuff is the hard stuff." What does this mean? And why is this the case? Please tune in this week as Mike and Wayne discuss the difference between hard...

Want a Crystal Ball to Peer into the Future?

Many successful contractors use "dashboards" to help manage the company. A dashboard is a reporting tool that provides a visual display of organizational KPIs, metrics, and data. Unfortunately, most dashboards are composed of BACKWARD LOOKING information like...