Remote Work is Here to Stay!

Business writers and commentators have spilled a great deal of ink opining over the ways the events of the last year have changed – or maybe not changed – how we do business. One thing seems to be almost universally accepted: remote work is here to stay! Please tune...

The Streetlight Effect

A very old joke about a man searching for his lost keys helps us understand a human cognition issue referred to as "The Streetlight Effect." Learn this week how The Streetlight Effect manifests itself in your organization, how gravitating towards the known and...

Tom Brady and Creative Destruction

Super Bowl 55 is in the books, but what if we turned the clock back to Tom Brady's first Super Bowl in 2002? What can we learn about changes in the business world during that short 19 year period, and what conclusions may we draw? Most importantly, what are the...

Manage Your Perfections, Not Failures

OK, maybe "perfection is too strong! How about correctness or goodness? Please tune in this week as we discuss how the infamous Three Mile Island partial meltdown was, according to accounts, caused by a burned out light bulb, a failsafe system that would have saved...

Building Accountability Into Your Organization

Virtually all of our peer group meetings conclude with a recommendation along the lines of: "You need to better hold your people accountable." Sounds easy; but how do you actually execute on this? Tune in this week as we discuss five specific, sequential steps for...