How Do You Know If You Have a Great Team?

Most business leaders think they have pretty good teams, but how can they KNOW objectively? What are the telltales? Tune in this week as Wayne gives you seven indicators that can help you objectively assess whether you have the right people – and five tips for...

Why You Need to Communicate MORE Now

As the pandemic winds down, we are hearing reports from our members that economic headwinds are mounting and 2021 might prove to be a challenging year. In troublesome times and in the absence of real information from leaders, guess what? PEOPLE MAKE THINGS UP! And the...

Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First

We've all heard this advice from the airlines. But what does it mean in the context of running a business? Please tune in this week as Wayne applies putting your own mask on first to leading a successful enterprise. We'd love to have your feedback in the comments....

Classic Family Business Estate Planning Mistakes

How does a successful family business dispose of a $50 million estate? What are the possibilities, and what are the potential pitfalls in their estate planning? Please tune in this week as Wayne dissects a family business estate case study and points out some problems...

Returning to the Office – or Not?

We are in the midst of the world's greatest working from home (WFH) experiment. Some results are in, and some conditions are still evolving. How will you handle your future work force? Will everyone return to your office, or will you have to adapt to a virtual team?...

Are You a Bad Boss?

None of us thinks we're a bad boss. If you think about it, however, we all fall along a bell-shaped curve where some of us are good, some average, and some"¦ well, you know. Please tune in this week as Wayne delivers some direct feedback from a recent Boot Camp class...