My Dad Lets Me Run 75% of the Business…

Every company regardless of size, age, and stage is somewhere along the succession continuum. While many succession plans are well designed and documented, the vast majority are very informal indeed. Please tune in this week as Wayne relates the story of how one...

What Is Transferable Value?

What in the world is "transferable value," and what has it got to do with people owning and operating construction companies? Please tune in this week as Wayne discusses this rather important business concept and gives you the seven things you must have to maximize...

The Positive Planning Process

It goes without saying that in a time of both pandemic and widespread civil unrest that our visibility into our business futures isn't what we might like it to be. Having stipulated that, how might we adapt our business planning processes to create more energy and...

Dwight Eisenhower, Common Sense, and Leadership

There are over 70,000 leadership books in print according to Amazon. The concepts are pretty simple: listen to followers, set an ambitious vision, create a positive work environment, etc. Why then, do so many fail to get it right? Watch our blog this week as Wayne...