Words of Wisdom from Queen Elizabeth

During uncertain times, the way is cloudy, murky, nebulous"¦ We feel unmoored, vulnerable, maybe even panicky"¦ One of the best ways to reassure ourselves is to look back at other uncertain periods in history to see how leaders pulled their teams through to success...

The 11 Rules for Business Texting

Who knew that there are rules of etiquette for business texting? Given that we are engaged in a period where we rarely meet face to face anymore, texting is becoming a new norm in business communications. What are the rules of the road? Please join us this week as...

Leadership That Dares Not Speak Its Name

According to the Harvard Business Review, one of the emerging leadership trends is the "anti-leadership leader." What does this mean? What does it look like? And how do you see this phenomenon playing out in your business? Please join us this week as Wayne describes...

Plans Are Useless, But Planning is Indispensable

Eisenhower's famous quote is quite a paradox. How does one reconcile this? Why do planning at all? Tune in this week as Wayne reconciles the famous paradox and presents four ways in which planning is absolutely indispensable. And please give us your thoughts in the...

The Three Kinds of Crisis Leaders

Leading an organization is fraught with challenges – especially in times of crisis and unpredictability. What are the key ingredients for leading through a crisis; what works, and what doesn't? Watch our blog this week as Wayne bounces off Arlin Sorensen's recent blog...