When You Attend a Convention, Be Intentional

Participating in trade associations and conventions is costly in both time and hard dollars. We attend conferences to learn, network, and take new ideas back to our companies, but, unfortunately, this doesn't always happen. Watch our blog this week as Wayne shares...

What’s Your Leadership Style?

There is no one-size-fits-all leadership style"¦ every leader brings a measure of uniqueness to his/her system. There is, however, one universal element associated with great leaders: they run successful companies with great cultures. Watch our blog this week as Wayne...

We Need a MAJOR REDESIGN of Life

Watch our blog this week as Wayne shares wisdom from a great article about the dramatic life expectancy gains we experienced in the 20th century. He presents you with five tips for living more fully even as you live much, much longer than previous generations. We look...

Making Better – and Faster! – Decisions

The decision making processes in many family businesses are, to put in bluntly, broken. Failing to make timely decisions creates confusion, destroys momentum, nullifies competitive advantages, and discourages your employees. Watch our blog this week as Wayne shares...