The Very Best Employee Incentive Program

How do you create an employee incentive program that is win-win for you and your team? Employers usually default to a dollar-based incentive comp program thinking, "Surely these employees will be motivated to improve safety/sales/productivity if they can earn more...

Happy Thanksgiving!

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." Watch our blog this week as Wayne says thank you for playing such an important role in helping us be successful. We are sincerely grateful for your partnership and humbled by the...

What Outdated Beliefs Are Stunting Your Growth?

Businesses, like people, have beliefs they hold to be true. But it is worth a hard, objective look at those beliefs to see which ones are relevant and "on purpose" today. Watch our blog this week as Wayne talks about the importance of letting go of outdated beliefs...

Survivorship Bias

Everyone loves a survivor – people, products, or services. However, "survivorship bias" may cause us to adopt processes, tactics, and structures based on incorrect interpretations of data which can ultimately lead to failures small and large. How do you guard against...

Exploding the Long Work Hours Myth

In Q2 2019, we launched our first ever Contractor Business Boot Camp not knowing exactly what to expect. With two classes now under our belts, we are genuinely overwhelmed and flattered with the positive feedback and testimonials the members have shared with us....