Planning to Make DECISIONS

In last week's blog, we talked about how we spend inordinate time and energy in meetings – most of which fail to produce meaningful decisions. How do we manage to make simple things so much more complicated than they need to be? Watch our blog this week as Wayne...

Five Tips for Running Better Meetings

Meetings fill an amazing number of hours in your workday, yet most executives consider much of that time wasted! But your meetings don’t have to be that way! You can plan, lead, and manage your meetings to produce much, much better results. Watch our blog this...

Successful, NOT Sustainable

People have a natural tendency to believe that once they have achieved a certain level of success, they will continue to be successful. But the reality is often quite different. Achieving success is hard, and sustaining it is much, much harder! Watch our blog this...

Debunking Leadership Myths

Leadership is discussed continually in the business press, but it is poorly understood. Everyone has an idea of what they think a leader looks like, but how many of these notions are actually true in practice? Watch our blog this week as Wayne debunks four myths...

Why Won’t Employees Just CHANGE?

Change is the only constant in business and life! But why do organizations so often get it wrong? Leaders hope that employees will simply embrace the change initiatives thrust upon them, but that approach hardly ever works. Watch our blog this week as Wayne talks...

BUSYNESS is a Substitute for Performance!

Being over-scheduled and over-committed is a part of entrepreneurial culture. And while it may seem logical that long hours equate to more output, being perpetually busy isn’t good for business – it can actually decrease productivity and lead to burnout....