A Shot Across My Bow

In any family business of any size, one thing remains true: your leadership training is NEVER FINISHED! And it's not just you; all your department, high potential, and situational leaders need to continue to learn, practice, and improve their skills too. The best way...

What Do You Need To CLEAN UP?

Do you ever feel busy but not productive? What can you learn from today’s “tidying” craze? And why might tidying or cleaning up be a game changer for you? Watch our blog this week as Wayne explains the importance of CLEANING UP and presents you with...

Does Working Hard REALLY Pay Off?

Working in the trenches can lead us to believe that hard work will guarantee a prosperous career. But does hard work really pay off? Why do some people perform better at work than others? Watch our blog this week as Wayne reference a Wall Street Journal Bestseller...

What is Psychological Safety?

Studies show that the number one driver of high performing teams is a feeling of psychological safety. As a leader, an essential responsibility is to create a safe and respectful workplace. Watch our blog this week as Wayne defines psychological safety and delivers...