Happy New Year!

Your friends at The Family Business Institute wish you all a very happy New Year. We hope that 2019 will be prosperous, happy, safe, and successful for you! Stay tuned for some really exciting stuff for months to come!

Happy Holidays!

We hope you had a warm and wonderful Christmas. May 2019 bring joy, peace, and prosperity for you, your family, and your business. Best wishes for a wonderful new year from your friends at The Family Business Institute!

Make Your Meetings More EFFECTIVE

Meetings are intended to be an engine of productivity in workplace. Unfortunately, more often than not, they end up being the exact opposite. In fact, a healthy percentage of survey respondents say they’d rather have a root canal than attend another meeting!...

7 Habits of UNSUCCESSFUL Leaders

As a bit of a follow up to last week's Leadership Is an Art, watch this thought-provoking blog as Wayne discusses another book Why Smart Executives Fail and presents you with the top seven mistakes UNSUCCESSFUL leaders make. How do some of the very smartest leaders...

Leadership Is an Art

Leadership and management are often used interchangeably. However, what family business members miss is that one refers to activities whereas the other refers to influence. Great leaders learn how to cull out dysfunctional behaviors and people and unleash the energy...

How “Structure” Saved a Company

As businesses grow and reach inflection points, leaders face an inevitable question: How should our ways of working evolve to meet the challenges of a growing company? Watch our blog this week as Wayne references an article about email marketing company Mailchimp and...