If Everyone Is Responsible, No One Is

As a leader, it is your duty to define the structure of your organization. Assigning clear, precise responsibilities for team members is not only something they deeply desire, it also has the benefit of boosting effectiveness. Listen to our blog this week as Wayne...

How To Improve Morale In Your Family Business

The most important step a family business leader can take in furthering the success of his or her firm is to constantly improve the culture of the family business. The culture of any business can greatly affect the employees’ morale, their buy-in to the family...

Your Top Problem Isn’t What, It Is “Who”

Attracting, hiring and retaining great talent ought to require a well thought-out strategic process, but all too often the process is lacking. Most family firms are – sorry to step on toes here – quite poor at attracting and retaining talent. Listen to our...

What Represents FAILURE In A Family Business

Research shows that only 30% family businesses survive through the second generation and even fewer make it through the third. However, these “failure” statistics may include selling the family business as an unsuccessful outcome, and that is the subject...