How To Talk To Your Business Family

Do you often fear family business meetings? You are not alone. We all understand the importance of family meetings, yet few of us are anxious to attend them. Listen to Wayne this week as he shares some tips and rules for running productive and fun family meetings. We...

We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know

There are uncertainties that surround every business leader. Blind spots exist in organizations for a number of reasons, including fear, organizational complexity, leaders refusing to get out of the comfort zones, and finally, an overemphasis on formal analysis in...

The Magic Bullet

Everyone has heard that an organization must set goals, but does it actually improve family business performance? And there are hosts of consulting firms that promote “Strategic Planning” as a cure all. Is Strategic Planning all it is cracked up to be? In...

New Year Resolutions and What To Do Next

The beginning of every new year brings excitement, anticipation, and opportunity. It also brings “New Year Resolutions”. This week Wayne emphasizes the importance and effectiveness of a periodic CLEAN UP. It’s time to clear out the clutter that keeps...

Happy New Year! A Look Ahead.

We wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year. May 2018 bring more opportunities, success, and prosperity your way. Take a sneak peek into our upcoming blogs for 2018 and stay tuned for some really exciting stuff in the months to come.

Merry Christmas!

May your holidays be blessed with warmth, the love of friends, and family togetherness. Have a safe, warm Christmas and a joyful holiday season.