Is Your Team Holding You Back?

Do you know in your heart you have people that are not good fits on your team? Do you have customer complaints? Low Morale? Disputes? People obviously not pulling their weight? Are you reluctant to let people go? Listen as Wayne offers his personal witness on why it...

Do You Have a Succession Plan?

Do you have a Succession Plan in place? And are both senior generation leaders and the younger generation in your organization and family in sync? Listen to Wayne as he shares a real-life example of how a family business could have been more successful by...

What do Your Employees Want?

Are you constantly struggling to hire and retain great talent? Listen to Wayne as he shares insights on how to overcome the immense challenge of attracting and keeping top talent. As always, we look forward to your comments below! [popup type=”iframe”...

Four Ways to Get Your People to Leave

Are your talented people leaving you to seek other opportunities? Maybe you aren’t doing enough to ensure they feel motivated to work with you. Listen to Wayne as he shares some guidance on how to make sure your great people stay with you. As always, we look...

Increase Your Next Gen Commitment

Have you often wondered if your next-gen is committed to your family business? Does this put you in a dilemma whether should you really hand over the family business to your next generation? If yes, then listen as Wayne shares some valuable insights on how you can...

Your Son or Daughter Is Not a Good Fit (Maybe)

Is your son or daughter a good fit for your family business? This can be a difficult question to answer if you’re being equally honest about what’s best for them and for your business. Listen as Wayne shares some guidance in the form of a decision tree. As...