Nine Attributes of Transformative Leaders

What are the six things transformative leaders do to become transformative? And what nine attributes must any transformative leader have? Please tune in this week as Wayne proudly relates an article written by consultant Arianna Campbell – a former facilitator of...

Seven Qualities of Credible People

To be successful, any leader must be credible. But what does credibility even mean? It's simple: credible leaders are believable and trustworthy. The annual Edelman Trust Barometer survey indicates that the ONLY institution trusted globally in our turbulent times is...

The State of the Succession Planning Art

Wayne had three encounters recently dealing with succession planning and planners. The experiences left him wondering just what the state of the succession planning art is these days. Have things progressed much in Wayne's 34 years? Did he come away impressed with...

2iC: What Do You Need From Your COO?

Call it whatever you like: 2iC, GM, Sr. VP, or any other appellation. The fact is effective COOs (just like effective CFOs, etc.) allow CEOs to be better at their jobs. But there is scant literature out there about appropriate roles and duties of COOs. Tune in this...

How Big Things Get Done

Did you know that megaprojects, those valued at over $1 bil, tend to flop at a fantastic rate? Projects like California's high speed rail fiasco or failed movies like Heaven's Gate are, sadly, the norm, not the exception. What makes big projects go so wrong so...