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The Secret to Being a Great CEO

The old saying is "it's lonely at the top." Construction leaders often experience isolation and even anxiety from the burden weighing heavily on their shoulders. "Am I doing the right things?" "Is this the correct decision?" "What happens to my people and family if...

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If You Rest, You Rust

Many people dream of retirement after decades of toil. But what is retirement? Is it a good thing? What actually happens to people when they retire? And how do you protect yourself from some of the negatives associated with retirement? Please tune in this week as...

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It’s What You STAND FOR!

Roy Spence wrote It's Not What You Sell, It's What you Stand For, and it's a great book (thanks, John Woodcock)! It sounds like a book about selling, doesn't it? It isn't, and I think Spence got his title wrong. He should have gone with the subtitle Why Every...

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