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Benjamin Franklin’s Junto

A Junto is defined as “a political grouping or faction,” and that’s somewhat the entity that Ben Franklin created along with eleven other prominent Philadelphians in the eighteenth century. However, Franklin’s group was apolitical and was a club for the mutual...

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Disney’s Succession Mess

One of the most venerated and revered companies in the world is having a very difficult go of things about now. Disney, with all its talent and resources, has made a hash of their CEO succession planning. CNBC featured a long, detailed story about this calamity in...

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14 Signs You May Become a Millionaire!

Entrepreneur magazine recently posted an article detailing characteristics of people who had achieved the status some of us dreamed of as young people – becoming a millionaire! DISCLAIMER: Life isn’t about money (did we need to say this at all?) It’s about the journey...

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