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Performance Construction Advisors

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4050 Wake Forest Rd. Ste 110
Raleigh, NC 27609



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Planning vs. Urgency

Urgency addiction is a real thing in the construction industry. It feels good to solve problems, resolve a crisis, and get accolades for having “saved the day.” But constantly fighting fires and dealing with urgent problems tends to crowd out planning and setting...

Defining Who You Are NOT

A peer of ours went on a Viking Cruise Lines trip, and found that one of the ways Viking as a company defines who they ARE is by clearly stating who they are NOT. In an industry where far too many contractors try to be all things to all people, this exercise could...

How the Pandemic Era has Changed Construction

The 2020 pandemic disrupted and changed the construction industry in the short run for sure, but some of the disruptions more and more appear to be permanent. Where will you need new thinking, new skills, and potentially even a new organizational structure to adapt to...