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Performance Construction Advisors

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4050 Wake Forest Rd. Ste 110
Raleigh, NC 27609



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The Trend of Re-Officing

The question of whether virtual work is superior to in-person work has been answered once and for all! Zoom, the company most closely identified as the one which enabled the US economy to stay alive in 2020, now requests that their employees return to the office at...

How Does Momentum Work in Business?

We’ve all seen ballgames where the momentum shifts from one team to another and seems like an unstoppable force with a mysterious will all its own. What is momentum? Is it even a thing in business as in sports? How do we get it, and how do we sustain it? Tune in this...

Which Industries Are the HAPPIEST?

Have you ever heard of The American Time Use Survey? We hadn’t either until we came across an article from Flowing Data detailing some key takeaways from the Bureau of Labor Statistics survey. So which industries are evaluated as the happiest? Least happy? Tune in...