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Performance Construction Advisors

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4050 Wake Forest Rd. Ste 110
Raleigh, NC 27609



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Six Things Great Bosses Don’t Do

We’d venture to say that very few people got into the construction business because they expressly wanted to manage people. However, the fact is that as you elevate your career and get nearer the top of your company’s org chart, you will be more and more managing...

Performing Under Duress

Construction is most certainly a business where people react to stressful and challenging situations – and some people are much better under pressure than others! Your IT fails during a presentation, you learn of an injury on one of your jobsites, you take an irate...

Making the Transition from Entrepreneur to Executive

There is a tipping point – maybe more than one – in the life cycle of every successful construction firm where the company is “too big to be small and too small to be big” in the words of Doug Tatum. What are the signs you’re approaching one of those inflection...