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Performance Construction Advisors

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4050 Wake Forest Rd. Ste 110
Raleigh, NC 27609



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The Future of LEAN

LEAN has been frequently debated in the construction industry. Some are much more eager to follow the LEAN path than others. Supply chain disruptions among other things have left those less eager leaders wondering if there's any possible way that LEAN and pull...

Why Making Your Customers Happy Requires Entertainment

Trying to penetrate the immense busyness and clutter in the marketplace today is a daunting task. How can contractors and business development professionals cut through the clutter and noise so they can create opportunities to deliver the beautiful projects that...

Getting Real Value from Your Organizational Chart

Organizational charts play a useful role as a tool that employees and managers can utilize to better understand and navigate their organizations. However, for many contractors it often becomes too dated, doesn't accurately represent the company's structure, is too...