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Performance Construction Advisors

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4050 Wake Forest Rd. Ste 110
Raleigh, NC 27609



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How Big Things Get Done

Did you know that megaprojects, those valued at over $1 bil, tend to flop at a fantastic rate? Projects like California's high speed rail fiasco or failed movies like Heaven's Gate are, sadly, the norm, not the exception. What makes big projects go so wrong so...

Power Your Company with Your Customer’s Purpose

Contracting firms with a strong sense of purpose are better able to inspire and innovate. People today want to work for an organization that not only provides a paycheck but also makes the world a better place; their motivations are quite different from those of us...

Attracting the Right Talent

Construction is and always will be a people industry. However, sourcing the best talent has never been more challenging. There are any number of reasons why it's difficult to attract people, and one of the core reasons may be your actual job posting! Watch this week's...