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Performance Construction Advisors

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4050 Wake Forest Rd. Ste 110
Raleigh, NC 27609



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Larger Than Life Leadership

Do leaders have to be larger than life? Must they have all the answers, be exceptionally charismatic, have flamboyant personalities, and appear like Hollywood stars? Or are there other, more important characteristics that contribute to excellent leadership? Please...

What’s the Best Talent Magnet?

Claudio Fernandez wrote in The Harvard Business Review about a transformative work experience. His story illuminates what just might be the most magnetic tool available to contractors to differentiate them and make them “sticky” to their talented employees. First,...

A Million Miles Away

What does it take to advance your construction career? Have you ever considered the specific ingredients, other than intelligence and hard work, necessary for long term success? Is there a “recipe” for high achievers? Please tune in this week as Dennis discusses the...