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Performance Construction Advisors

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Raleigh, NC 27609



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Corporate Mission Statements Miss the Mark 93% of the Time!

PWC did a study and interviewed almost 2000 corporate leaders from around the world about their Mission Statements. They found that 93% of them “lack purpose!” If PWC’s interviewees agree that Mission Statements are “vital to success” and they “attract and inspire...


Having worked with contractors for well over 20 years, Dennis has seen plenty of successful contractors as well as others who are… less successful. What is the primary difference between the achievers versus the less successful ones? The answer may be found in one...

Spring Cleaning And a Life Lesson

Wayne and his wife Lisa were cleaning up a boat together this spring, and she offered a labor-saving idea which Wayne rejected out of hand. No, this isn’t a soap opera story of a marital dispute, but it does beg the question: What does cleaning a boat on a sunny,...