A recent blog by our friend Arlin jump-started Wayne’s brain back to his second-to-last book published in 2009 The Eight Building Blocks for Creating a SUSTAINABLE Closely Held Company https://www.amazon.com/Building-Creating-SUSTAINABLE-Closely-Company/dp/0965319334 in which he outlined the top 10 roles for construction executives. 13 years later, what might need to change among those top 10 roles?

Please tune in this week as Wayne reviews the roles, considers a few potential revisions, and asks for your help pinpointing things he and Arlin may have missed. Please share with us in the comments section.

Our next Contractor Business Boot Camp is in Raleigh on March 24-25. There are only a few seats remaining. Get your high potential NextGens signed up NOW! Please contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com for more information.